This Weekend i went up to kent (Stayed at my Antie and uncles house) to a Beer Festival! , The beer there didn't really catch my eye that much it was real dark beer! , Didn't taste that good! at least i got to see a few maidstone town services and best of all i had a ride to and from the festival on a Plaxtion Bodied Volvo B6(3606) It didn't sound anything like a Dart should but what should i expect from Arriva?!
Just Started my new College (Varndean) so i see alot more of the Daylight than beeing couped up 8:40 AM - 3:05PM at School! thats something to remember from the older days!
Thats all for now :)
Varndean? Does that mean you`ll be using the 5B a lot?
I'll Be seeing it alot :), Luckily my house is within walking distance from the Varndean College Campus!
I went to a beer festival in Germany last month and the beer tastes nice if you mix it 50/50 with lemonade!
You are lucky as MY sixth form Long Road college-started there last week- is a 35mins journey from my house, as in wait for bus, bus arrives 15 mins late, driver goes 80 mph along the windy hily road that is the A1307, bus drops me off, 5 min walk to long road college. IT'S NOT FUN, especially since today we had the equivalent of three busloads waiting to go to Haverhill (god knows why, its a dump) two buses turn up, both 3/4 full, one fills up and leaves with about 100 people on it, second bus turns up late 45 mins later on a "every 15 mins before 9:30 PM and 3:00AM!
Ouch! , It takes me 10 Mins to walk up 'Varndean Woods' Or Braybon Avenue , Carrying a fair amount in my Bag its quite good exersise :)
Hello Cogidubnus :) , Yea we were informed that it were a boy's Gramar on our tour Last Tuesday! it seems to be in good health with lots of tempory huts used as teaching rooms! that only means one thing. New Building's!
Good, as my old secodary school decided to build a disabled school next door and then decided to demolis the 1970's science block in 2006, while I was still st the school, but I've left and it still hasnt happened! My new sixthform is very nice and relaxed, which is great! i am doing ICT, Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science A-Levels.
Business , ICT , Maths , English GCSE :) Sounds pretty much like our college but they finished building it unlike yours! Luckly my college is on the same campus as my old school aswell.
Sorry I meant that my Sixth Form was seperate completl as it is in Cambridge (but its not at all posh!) My secondary school was at linton which is nearer Essex than Cambridge!
Quite brave taking Maths and English though, unless they are retakes? I couldn't bear the thought of retaking my English GCSE, as It was bloody awful (and so was I) as I just about scraped a C!
Thanks for the Youtube link and comment, I only just descovered it! Yes the old tridents do sound like that, a very powerful sounding roar, but that one was more rattley than the ones in Cambridge, maybe they have more speedbumps in Lancaster!
To return the favour of a Youtube link I found this video of a poor old B&H Omnidekka catching fire, its a pity when this happens, its like setting fire to a Aston Martin in my opinion as a good looking vehicle goes up in smoke. They still dont look as good as the Cambidge Tridents though.
sorry, here is the link, I forgot,
I think I have said too much today :)
Wasn't the bus fire on a Trident? It looks like an Omnidekka from the inside though. Is the bus back in service now? I wonder how much it cost to fix.
Thanks Man, I welcome all comments and sorry to dissapoint you but that were a 1998/99 ELC Lolyne Trident , Not a Ominidekka :P Thanks anyway :). How come your not at Showbus i'm not as it was my cousins Chrisining!
Dammit, that was the wrong link! The Youtube video I first found WAS a Omnidekka, then the internet connection went wrong as I was posting the link! Yes you are right it was a East Lancs Trident.
My parents don't seem to be happy about my interest in buses, they haven't said anything but they make it quite clear so I wouldn't be able to go. Its only at Duxford isn't it? That is 10 miles away from my house so if i could go i would!
anonymous, the video quoted the repair bill as over £10,000, Most buses look the same inside, apart from when they have been set on fire of course. I think they managed to catch the little bug*ers that did it though, as the bus had CCTV fitted that survived the fire.
***Just Found This***
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Last year i got one of our SmarterCharter ominidekkas up there for the show- still got the tickets beside me! my Parents are the oposite of yours i can see! My dad likes buses/trains but my mum aint intrested but doesnt frown apon it!
Quite a journey on a city bus especially if it was limited to 55mph like some buses are here,although on by blog is the fastest bus in the world-an 80, yes 80 mph Plaxton Trident!
I'd Love to hear the sound that makes!
This is the same but it's not running at top speed:
Quite strange noise really!
You seem to have posted a comment on it already, or was that someone ripping off your nickname?
Apparently they have Cummins engines and Voith transmissions which cause the high pitched sounds
for generaladam,the bus fire was in north street just b4 xmas 2005 and was a Dennis Trident service seven fleet no.809 which was quite badly damaged and could have been fatal if it weren't for the quick response of the driver and the fire service.it cost about £25,000 to repair and is back in active service regulary.i only drove it the other day and the top deck upholstery is still new looking.
Oh, from the video it looked like the top deck roof was sagging, which made it look like the bus would be very difficult to repair.
Were you on this B&H Scania at showbus 06 Jack?
There is a dancing FTR as well, i'd love to do that!
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